House on Sassoon Road 沙宣道獨立屋

House on Sassoon Road 沙宣道獨立屋


Diner Party

Wife would like a fully equipped kitchen and husband requested for a professional AV room.

Since the couple has a lot of friends and like entertaining at home, we build them a professional kitchen and ample space for a well stock bar.  Living area is the focal point of the home with doors that totally open into the garden, easily housing a large party.  The living quarter including bed, bath, study and AV rooms were decorated in a more serious tone to compliment the successful owner.



靜下來之後,男主人喜歡躲在影音室和書房,享受退休生活;屋外亦作出裝飾, 令全屋設計風格更加協調。

Pokfulam, 2008

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