Viking Seafood Restaurant 海霸海鮮酒家

Viking Seafood Restaurant 海霸海鮮酒家


Location — Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
地址 — 葵涌 · 香港

Size — 14,000 ft2

Date 完工 — 2000  

Design Brief — Revamping a traditional Chinese seafood restaurant with a nightclub theme
設計概要 — 傳統海鮮酒家需要煥然一新的風格

Local Clubbing

Client would like to turn an old seafood restaurant into the area’s popular nighttime haunt, restaurant with best seafood and karaoke and life band.

We decorated the walls with poems made by Chinese poets and scholars who enjoyed singing and drinking in their times, we wanted this restaurant to be classy and spirited like the golden eras. Equipped with state of the art karaoke and audio system, we designed flexible usage of different areas, with an illuminated glass bridge linking up all the areas. Lighting was a lot different than usual, it could turn into a purple haze of a nightclub and also a cheery dim sum hall in the morning.


“設計考慮到實用與時尚,在這一萬四千平方呎的空間,不銹鋼、強化玻璃和深色木是主要的用料…““餐廳靈活多變.我們花不少時間設計活動間隔,因為他們要求有舞台和夜總會的中餐廳, 人們在這裡既享用美食又可欣賞表演…””餐廳擁有全港最佳卡拉OK系統,舞台的燈光以玻璃“橋”的形式由下面照射,而高科技天花燈飾和屏風飾以閃亮的球體或“天上掉下來的花瓣”﹣為空間注入明顯的溫馨氣氛…”- 美好家居

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